Bay County Eastside Little League (BCE) of Bay City, MI
(Formerly Bay City Northeast and Bay City South End Little Leagues)
Would like to invite you to Sponsor/Advertise with us.
As a sponsor for BCE:
- Your donation helps support Little League for over 260 Kids on the East side of Bay City ranging from 4 to 12 years old.
- We will work with you to create and place a sign in our outfield.
- Over 900 people attending 32 different games per week will see your signage.
- We also remind our player’s families on Facebook and our Website about the companies that support us.
- We announce sponsor names to the fans when there is a pitching change.
- Your sign will be displayed on an outfield fence at St. Hyacinth’s.
1 year outfield sign display is $225 plus the cost of the sign if new (~$250 ) Outfield Signs are 40” x 84”
Starter Special – New outfield Sign and 3 year display is $900 (Best Value!) Aluminum Backing
Yearly fee to display existing small signs is $150. High grade vinyl graphics
Uses your Corporate Logo/Design
The signs have a 10 year life span and BCE will replace them – No cost to you if you pay for them each year.
BCE is a registered 501c3 Non-Profit Organization (check with your tax preparer about deducting sponsorships off your taxes).
Thank you for supporting BCE and the Youth of Bay City.
For more information or to buy a sign contact:
Josh VanTol
League President